Providing exceptional customer service is crucial for success

In the quest for growth, retaining your existing customers and acquiring new ones remains central to the continuing success of your business. All the efforts that go into minimising churn and maximising conversion rates are focused on the idea of providing a good customer experience (CX). Positive CX prevents customers from shopping around and helps capture potential new customers that are looking for new suppliers of goods or services.

Soho66 VoIP cloud-based phone system offers a host of features that help your business elevate its customer service initiatives. Here are three ways to leverage Soho66 VoIP to enhance the experience of your customers and prospects in their interactions with your business in 2024:

1. Capture call details and identify training needs by recording all calls 

Recording all incoming and outgoing calls is an invaluable tool for improving customer service. By analysing call recordings, your business gains a better understanding of customer interactions. This is an excellent method for quickly picking up on issues, making improvements across many areas of your business, including products or services, operations, business processes, and workflow.

Recordings provide a definitive record of conversations, ensuring that both sides are accountable for their words and actions. In the case of a dispute arising, the recording provides an accurate record of what was said, as well as capturing tone and sentiment. All in all, call recording promotes transparency and fosters trust, which are essential elements of strong customer relationships.

Call recordings also serve as a valuable training resource for customer service representatives. By reviewing recordings of interactions with callers, managers or team leaders can identify areas where communication skills, product knowledge, or problem-solving abilities could be enhanced. This drives a structured approach to quality management where continuous training helps your customer-facing team deliver consistent, high-quality service to all customers.

2. Refine and optimise IVR to route calls more efficiently

Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an integral part of your [GF/Soho] VoIP solution. This provides callers with a self-service Call Director to route their call so that they get to speak to the right person or department, while minimising waiting times. However, inefficiently designed IVR may lead to frustrated customers and negative perceptions of your company. Also, your operations may have evolved since you adopted VoIP, but have you reviewed your IVR flow to make sure it is optimised for where your business is now?

[GF/Soho] VoIP offers flexible IVR customisation options that allow your business to tailor its IVR menus and prompts to optimise it for your specific needs. Paying attention to the options of recorded voice prompts and the design of the IVR flow enables you to direct callers more easily for a smoother customer experience. 

Using Soho66 VoIP’s reporting and analytics tools provides valuable insights into IVR usage patterns, helping you identify opportunities for optimisation. By analysing how callers are using existing menus to route their calls, you can use data to inform your IVR optimisation efforts.

3. Consider adopting a call answering service that uses professional live receptionists

In today’s tough operating environment, many companies seek to strip out inefficiency, often through optimising headcount. Sometimes this may be through eliminating the cost and overhead of reception staff. As a consequence, this may mean remaining employees are more fully utilised and need to be more productive. When team members are maxed out, ringing phones and picking up incoming calls are unwelcome distractions that get in the way of hitting deadlines or carrying out other high-priority tasks.

IVR is one solution, but when it comes to providing a good customer experience, it does have its limitations. That’s why many businesses opt for a call answering service that uses professional live receptionists. This enables each call to be personally answered by a professional, remotely located team of receptionists using enhanced VoIP systems that provide pop-up onscreen information. 

This enables personalisation of calls from customers so that they are answered exactly the way you like, with all the options you wish to provide. From screening calls to senior managers through to qualifying calls for busy salespeople, a good call answering service is also able to provide answers to frequently asked product or service questions. This prevents the need for call backs and increases first call resolution rates.

Soho66’s stablemate company, Simply66, provides Virtual Receptionist professional call answering services, enabling your business to leverage the expertise of experienced receptionists without expanding its internal staff. These services provide extended coverage outside of normal business hours, answering calls promptly, handling enquiries professionally, and routing calls to the appropriate departments or individuals.

Outsourcing call answering to Simply66’s highly rated service means your business never misses an important call again and it grows your reputation for first-class customer service.

Boost customer experience in 2024 with Soho66 VoIP

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Categories: VoiP